
Rinks is a platform that uses crowdsourced user data to report outdoor hockey rink conditions in and around the area you live.

The Problem & Goal

I live in Calgary, AB where there are dozens of outdoor hockey rinks throughout – some rinks are busier than others, some are better maintained than others, and some get booked up for grassroots hockey leagues. You never know this info until you get there. My goal was to make this info available to everyone at their fingertips.

The Solution

I created a Drupal web app where users can anonymously (or not anonymously) report rink info in their area, helping others to know which rink has the most favorable conditions. Users can view a list, or map and search for their most convenient rink to find its specific conditions. Users also have the ability to add descriptions in the case the rink is booked (such as for how long it's booked for), or if one side of the rink is slushy, etc. Users also have the ability to register an account and favorite rinks so that they don't have to search for a rink every time they use the web app. In conjunction to that, the map has geolocation functionality to quickly and conveniently locate all rinks in your area.

Since opening up your web browser and typing in a url, or navigating through your bookmarks may not always be convenient I also developed the website to function as a progressive web app (PWA) – making the web app installable to your phone via your mobile web browser. Allowing users to find rink info quickly as the app is just a tap away on their homescreen.

Not yet publicly released, come back for post public launch data at a future date.

My Role

  • Development
  • Design
  • Content Porting/Gathering ~500 rink locations


Screenshot of homepage on rinks.co
Screenshot of Rinks website map view
Map View
Screenshot of Rinks list view
List View